Biomanufacturing uses biological systems, including plants and microbes, to create new materials or alternatives to existing everyday materials like plastics, chemicals, fabrics, and nutraceuticals. By some estimates, up to 60% of materials in the global consumer product supply chain could be produced biologically, resulting in domestic economic growth while lowering embodied carbon emissions and reducing environmental pollution. This webinar will review current trends in biomanufacturing with BioMADE, a non-profit Manufacturing Innovation Institute supported by the Department of Defense, which is working to enable domestic bioindustrial research, commercialization, and manufacturing at all scales. The presentation will cover how manufacturing institutes work, how small-medium sized manufacturers can evaluate opportunities for integrating biomaterials into their supply chains, and how faculty, startups, and K-12 schools can partner on projects intended to advance US bioindustrial product research, development, and education. A selection of BioMADE’s Technical and Education & Workforce Development projects will be featured as case studies.

  • Webinar
ATE Area:
  • Bio and Chemical Technologies
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PennTAP Webinar — BioMADE- Strengthening the Domestic Bioindustrial Manuf.ics